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The Ad Hoc Tick Borne Disease Action Committee held a meeting on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 at the
C.H. Booth Library, Main Street, Newtown, CT

Attendance:  Present:  Mark Alexander, Kirk Blanchard, Pat Boily, Neil Chaudhary, David Delia, Robert Grossman, Kim Harrison, Peter Licht, Michele McLeod, Mary Gaudet-Wilson, Maggie Shaw, and George Miller.  Also Present:  David Shugarts, Kendra Bobowick from The Newtown Bee, and three members of the public.

Dr. Grossman called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.

Approval of Minutes – Dr. Grossman motioned to approve the minutes of November 18, 2009. Motion approved unanimously.

Speaker David Streit - Mr. Boily introduce David Streit with, a community-based organization working on reducing the deer population in Redding, CT.  In February 2009 he was asked to represent Redding with the Fairfield County Municipal Deer and Management Alliance, looking at the serious of diseases associated with deer density.  He explained their methods in the reduction of the deer in Redding.  The committee members asked various questions.


Interim Committee Report – The committee discussed an interim committee report written by Dr. Grossman that will be sent to the First Selectman.  Dr. McLeod also wrote a report that will be used as a base for the final report.  The committee discussed various aspects of each report and the committee members will e-mail comments and the committee will work on providing additional information.  Dr. McLeod’s report has been tabled for future comments and review.  For now though, Dr. Grossman’s report is the official interim report for First Selectman Joe Borst and new First Selectman, Pat Llodra.  There will be more speakers.  Mr. Boily motioned that there be a vote at the next meeting to adopt Dr. McLeod’s report after it is circulated for review and comments.  Mr. Gaudet-Wilson seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

Pat Boily’s Geographic Variation Analysis Report – Mr. Boily discussed his findings as to whether any intermediate density with deer reduction would lead to any benefit. There are variations to the findings.  

4 Poster Report – Item tabled.

Slides from Nelson Presentation – Mr. Alexander circulated this information by e-mail.

Request for $200 for Ostfeld Tapes – Dr. Grossman requested the committee approve $200.00 for transferring the Ostfeld tapes into digital.  Motion carried unanimously.

Percent of Tick Carrying Disease – Ms. Shaw discussed information that was distributed to the committee via e-mail regarding the percentages of ticks carrying disease.  The committee discussed different methodologies in testing for ticks

Other Discussions – Mr. Blanchard contacted Bob Echinrode from the Newtown Forest Association to discuss hunting on NFA’s property.  Mr. Echinrode will bring the discussion up to his Board of Directors.

Subjects for Further Discussion – No speakers are currently scheduled for the next meeting.  David Shugarts stated that there is a big gap of information and that the committee has not heard from the Donna Culbert of the Health District or Rob Sibley of the Land Use Agency.  They discussed receiving data from the Police Department as to deer related accidents.  Reports from the Audobon Society and Fairfield Conservation Commission Deer Management Committee were distributed.

Public Comments

Dr. Grossman read a letter from the Animal Concerns Club at Newtown High School.  

Lynn Garfinkle was present to discuss “No Arrows or Bullets” and discussed her view on hunting.  She asked what the commission’s description of a deer cull.  She discussed the wounding rates of bow hunting.  She stated that only 3% of people in Fairfield favor hunting.  

Executive Session - none

Mr. Alexander motioned to adjourn at 10:00 pm, Mr. Chaudhary seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by:
Tammy Hazen, Clerk